Trapped between the ideals of our fore-fathers and the realities of their results, we scramble for a foothold against the tides of time. We are the impoverished inheritors of a confused coalescence of dissonance and dissent. Left without anything inspiring to live for, we now have nothing for which we would die and can only engage the world in an ironic counter-pose of impotent rebellion—the sons and daughters of a revolution gone awry. The world with which we are now forced to face is of such a daunting magnitude that it dwarfs our strength and saps our resolve. Our List of Grievances is as long as our List of Demands, but it is not by birth-right that such wishes are to be fulfilled, nor by the magnanimity of our masters that "change" will be realized. History does not bow to the weak-willed, nor to the insipid whiner, but rather, to the commands of the worthy willing to fight to earn the respect of their peers and the accolades of eternity.
The ideas I present on this website, unfortunately, have become all too alien to the world with which we are daily confronted and are bound to be taken from their context and transformed into all sorts of imaginative mirages, bearing little resemblance to the intent of their author(s). This is the destiny of all written words: to be twisted by the subjective perspectives through which they are received. I do not despair of this, nor do I shrink from the task to bring them to you because of it. All I can hope for is the honest engagement of a few good-hearted Individuals, who wish to accompany me upon this journey—the most exciting adventure known to human existence. It will be an exploration of the phenomenon known as "Man;" an examination of the "crooked timber" from which we are built and the termites that eat away at our constitutions and our wills; an in depth look below the surface of our civility and rationality and individuality at the murky depths that lie beneath.
This is bigger than politics, but is inextricably bound to it. It makes precautions necessary and the distance between the perfect and the possible always unbridgeable. I am not a Liberal, nor am I a Conservative, but if those are your only two options, then place me wherever you like. I am not concerned with labels, only with the Truth. I am willing to honestly engage anyone who wishes to approach and willing to listen to anyone who has an opinion. If you are not familiar with the players to which I refer throughout this website, I recommend starting at the beginning and proceeding from there; if you already know them, then let the games begin...