Theory and Practice

What does the word Individualism mean to us as human beings living in these United States of America in the 21st century? It is a word and concept that is thrown around a lot by politicians and pundits, punks, plumbers, and proles of all sorts—but is there any content to this seemingly thoughtless verbiage? Invididual Liberty—solidified in Private Property—is the foundation of our system and the supposed guarantor of all our Rights, but this has been seriously undermined by not only modern theory but also modern practice. This is a forum to open up the discussion about what exactly this abstract idea—Individualism and its corollary Freedom—means or can mean in the context of the situation we as a people now find ourselves in.

A History of Culture

Culture is a word that gets thrown around a lot today. It is used to describe just about every sort of union of Individuals with even the most superficial of over-lapping interests, but, like many words, the way in which we now employ it could not be more different than how it was originally conceived.

In an attempt to clarify one of the most contentious political issues today, I am going to start exploring this concept to try and shine some light into the darkness that hides and distorts our conception of our-Self and Others. I don't know how well I will achieve it, but here goes nothing...

You Can Lead a Man to Reason, But You Can't Make Him Think

A Disruption in the Normal Swing of Things

Americans Abroad (Free-Style)

Our Time Honored Tradition of Cannibalism